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October - Novmeber 2015 APHA Conference (Chicago, IL)

  • Chen C, Moore KJ, Caban-Martinez AJ, LeBlanc WG, Lee DJ, Cifuentes M, Arheart KL, Fernandez C, McClure LA, Christ SL, Fleming LE.  Paper #332644. To be presented at the 143rd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, October 31 to November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL.

  • Moore KJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Arheart K, LeBlanc WG, McClure LA, Chen C, Cifuentes C, Caban-Martinez AJ, Fernandez C.  Paper #326885. To be presented at the 143rd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, October 31 to November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL.

  • Huntley SR, Arias, OE, Arheart KL, Caban-Martinez AJ.  Paper #331197. To be presented at the 143rd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, October 31 to November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL.

  • Olano HA, Sznol J, Chen C, Kling H, Arheart KL, Chalmers J, Harduar-Morano L, Cavicchia P, Watkins S, Lee DJ, Caban-Martinez AJ.  Paper #331108. Presented at the 143rd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, October 31 to November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL.

  • Huntley SR, Chen C, Moore KJ, LeBlanc WG, Lee DJ, Cifuentes M, Arheart KL, Fernandez C, McClure LA, Christ S, Fleming LE, Caban-Martinez AJ.  Paper #332908. To be presented at the 143rd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, October 31 to November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL.

  • Pradeep P, Sznol J, Arheart KL, Caban-Martinez AJ.  Paper #329997. To be presented at the 143rd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, October 31 to November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL.

  • McClure LA, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Chen C, Moore KJ, Christ S, Fernandez C, Cifuentes M, Caban-Martinez AJ.  Paper #332135. To be presented at the 143rd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, October 31 to November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL.

  • Sznol J. Olano HA, Chen C, Kling H, Arheart KL, Chalmer J, Cavicchia P, Harduar-Morano L, Caban-Martinez AJ.  Paper #332743. To be presented at the 143rd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, October 31 to November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL.

  • Christ C, Caban-Martinez AJ, Cifutenes M, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Fernandez C, Chen C, Fleming LE, Lee DJ.  Paper #332769. To be presented at the 143rd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, October 31 to November 4, 2015, Chicago, IL.



May 2015 - International Congress on Occupational Health (Seoul, Korea)

  • Caban-Martinez AJ, Clarke TC, Davila EP, Clark III JD, Ocasio MA, Kachan D, Lee DJ, and Fleming LE. Abstract IC-0585. Presented at the 31st International Congress on Occupational Health, May 31-June 5, 2015 in Seoul, Korea.



November 2014 APHA Conference (New Orleans, LA)

  • Fernandez CA. Psychosocial risk factors in US Green Collar workforce. Oral presentation to be given at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, November 2014, New Orleans, LA

  • Asfar T, Arheart K, Lee DJ, Fleming LE. . Paper # 309938. Presented at the 142nd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 15-19, 2014, New Orleans, LA.

  • Kachan D, Christ S, Fleming LE, Muennig P, Prado G, Tannebaum SL, Dietz NA, Lee DJ.  HPresented at the 142nd annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 15-19, 2014, New Orleans, LA.


October 2014 1st International Symposium to Advance Total Worker Health (Bethesda, MD)




November 2013 APHA Conference (Boston, MA)


  • Asfar T, Caban-Martinez AJ, LeBlanc WG, Ocasio MA, Fleming LE, Lee DJ. Smoking prevalence in young workers by occupation: Where targeted workplace tobacco control activities are most needed. American Public Health Association, Boston MA. Oral presentation.

  • Asfar, T, Caban-Martinez AJ, LeBlanc WG, Ocasio MA, Fleming LE, Lee DJ. A closer look at smoking behavior among young US workers. American Public Health Association, Boston MA. Poster presentation.

  • Asfar T, Tannenbaum SL, McClure LA, Clarke TC, Lin J, Fleming LE, Lee DJ. Smoking prevalence among childhood cancer survivors by region: A call for action. American Public Health Association, Boston MA. Oral presentation.

  • Asfar T, Tannenbaum SL, Clarke TC, McClure LA, Lin J, Fleming LE, Lee DJ. Smoking prevalence among cancer survivors by state: A population based estimate. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA. Poster presentation.

  • Fernandez CA, Christ SL, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Dietz NA, McCollister KE, Fleming LE, Muennig P, Muntaner C, Lee DJ. Childhood trauma and its influence on occupational prestige in young adulthood. American Public Health Association, Boston MA. Poster presentation.

  • Fleming LE, Brand S, Wyatt K, Abraham J, Ashby J. Increasing health-promoting behaviours among healthcare professionals in a UK national health service (NHS) workplace: Developing a novel context-based intervention. American Public Health Association. Boston MA. Poster presentation.

  • Hollenbeck J, Ocasio MA, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Caban-Martinez AJ, Fernandez CA. Beyond occupational safety: Health and well-being promotion for young workers. American Public Health Association, Boston MA. Poster presentation.

  • Kachan D, Tannebaum SL, Arheart KL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ. Older worker nutrient intake and recommendation compliance. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston MA. Oral presentation.

  • Lee DJ, Rosa P, Feuer W, Lam B, Schiffman J, Morante A, Kumar N, Fernandez CA. Eye screening guideline compliance among diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy. American Public Health Association. Oral presentation.

  • Lin J, Tannenbaum SL, Clarke TC, Fernandez CA, McClure LA, Asfar T, LeBlanc WG, Lee DJ. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: Does vaccine legislation work? American Public Health Association, Boston MA. Poster presentation.

  • Tolbert D, McCollister, KE, Lee DJ, Ocasio MA, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Muennig P. Economic burden of disease by industrial sector & gender: Differences in quality-adjusted life years and associated costs. American Public Health Association, Boston MA. Poster presentation.

  • Ocasio MA, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Christ SL, Caban-Martinez AJ, Arheart KL, Hollenbeck J, Lee DJ. Young worker occupational surveillance in the United States: Opportunities and challenges. American Public Health Association, Boston MA. Oral presentation.

  • Olano H, Ocasio MA, Major B, Caban-Martinez A, Lee DJ. Validation of secondhand smoke exposure self-reported measures and the associations of secondhand smoke exposure with respiratory symptoms. American Public Health Association. Oral presentation.



March 2013 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Conference (Boston, MA)


  • Asfar T, Ocasio MA, Lin J, Lee DJ. Cigarette smoking in young adult workers by occupation – the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 2004-2010. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Boston MA. Poster Presentation.



March 2013 Mindfulness in Socity Conference (Chester, United Kingdom)




October 2012 APHA Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA)


  • Lewis JE, LeBlanc WG, Tannenbaum SL, Arheart KL, Ocasio MA, Fleming LE, Lee D, Kachan D, Caban Martinez AJ, Bandiera F, McCollister KE, Fernandez CA, Clarke TC, Dietz N, Major BT, Hollenbeck J. Are US Workers Eating Well according to the Healthy Eating Index? American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Poster Presentation

  • Arheart KL, Tannenbaum SL, Davila EP, Lewis JE, Clarke T, Ocasio MA, Caban Martinez AJ Fleming LE, Hollenbeck J, Kachan D, Fernandez C, Dietz NA, Bandiera FC, McCollister KE, LeBlanc WG, Major B, Lee D. Weight loss efforts among U.S. workers with metabolic syndrome. American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Poster Presentation

  • Kachan D, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Caban Martinez AJ, Fernandez CA, Clarke TC, Lee DJ. Work-Related Injury Risk and Severity: Correlates of the Aging U.S. Workforce. American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Poster Presentation

  • Clarke TC, Soler Vila H, McClure LA, LeBlanc WG, Tannenbaum SL, Ocasio MA, Caban Martinez A, Fernandez CA, Lin J, Kachan D, Hollenbeck J, Fleming LE, Lee D. Occupational differences in cancer control: Comparing adherence to cancer screening recommendations by working Floridians to other US workers (NHIS 1997-2010). American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Poster Presentation

  • Tannenbaum SL, Arheart KL, Clarke T, Ocasio MA, Caban Martinez A, Lewis JE, Fleming LE, Kachan D, Fernandez C, LeBlanc WG, Lee DJ. Low water intake among US workers: The parched workforce. American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Roundtable

  • McKeown I, Caban Martinez AJ, Christ SL, Cifuentes M, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Clarke TC, Ocasio MA, Kachan D, Lee DJ. Green Collar Workers: Surveillance strategies for the New Workforce Frontier. American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Oral Presentation

  • Hollenbeck J, Ocasio MA, Caban Martinez AJ, Fernandez CA, Fleming LE, Lee DJ. Youth Interest in Employer-Provided Health and Wellness Programs. American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Poster Presentation

  • Ocasio M, Fleming LE, Caban Martinez A, Lee DJ, Davila E, LeBlanc WG, Christ S, McCollister K, Arheart K, Sestito J. Morbidity, Health, and Well-Being of Young U.S. Workers. American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Poster Presentation

  • Caban Martinez A, Bandiera F, Clarke TC, Ocasio MA, Kachan D, Major B, Arheart KL, Fleming LE, Lee D. Occupational disparities in physiologic stress among U.S. workers. American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Poster Presentation

  • Fernandez CA, Arheart KL, Florez H, Musselman D, Ocasio MA, Lee DJ. Dry Eye Syndrome, PTSD, and Depression in Older Male Veterans. American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Roundtable

  • Kachan D, Clarke TC, Caban-Martinez A, Fleming LE, Christ SL, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Muennig P, Tannenbaum SL, Ocasio MA, Lee DJ. Association between C-reactive protein levels and mortality risk in older workers and non-workers. American Public Health Association, San Francisco CA. Poster Presentation



September 2012 FL Department of Health Occupational Health Coalition Annual Meeting (Tallahassee, FL)


  • Hollenbeck, JA, Ocasio MA. Youth Worker Outreach and Research by the University of Miami Occupational Research Group. 2012 FL Department of Health Occupational Coalition Annual Meeting. Oral Presentation.



March 2012 International Conference on Occupational Health (Cancun, Mexico)




November 2011 APHA Annual Meeting (Washington, DC)




September 2011 Eliminating Health Disparities at Work Conference (Chicago, IL)




July 2011 2011 NORA Research Symposium (Cincinnati, OH)


  • Caban-Martinez, AJ, Lee DJ, Clarke TC, Davila EP, Clark, JD, Ocasio MA, Fleming LE. Active and Passive Tobacco Smoke Exposures: A Construction Workplace Health Assessment Pilot Study. Poster presentation.

  • Ocasio MA, Fleming, LE, LeBlanc WG, Davila EP, Lee DJ, Caban-Martinez AJ, McCollister KE, Arheart KA, Sestito JP. NORA Mortality Monograph. Poster presentation.

  • McCollister KE, Muennig P, Davila EP, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Caban-Martinez AJ, Ocasio MA, Clarke TC, Arheart KA, Sestito JP. Health-Adjusted Life Years and Burden of Disease by NORA Sectors: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1986-1996. Poster presentation.

  • Lee DJ, Davila EP, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, McCollister K, Christ S, Caban-Martinez AJ, Clarke TC, Arheart K, Sestito JP. NORA Morbidity and Disability: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1986-1996 and 1997-2007. Poster presentation.



June 2011 2011 American College of Epidemiology (Montreal, Quebec, CA)


  • Caban-Martinez, AJ, Lee DJ, Clarke TC, Davila EP, Clark, JD, Ocasio MA, Fleming LE. Active and Passive Tobacco Smoke Exposures: A Construction Workplace Health Assessment Pilot Study. Poster presentation.



May 2011 APA Work, Stress, and Health 2011 (Orlando, FL)


  • Caban Martinez AJ, Bandiera F, Clarke T, Ocasio MA, Kachan D, Arheart KL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ. Occupational Disparities in Physiological Stress Levels among U.S. Workers. Oral Presentation.



May 2011 6th International Conference on Drugs and Young People, Melbourne, Australia


  • Ocasio MA, Caban-Martinez AJ, Clarke TC, Clark JD, Kachan D.  Association between employment and drug abuse among young adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2004.  Poster presentation.

  • Clarke TC, Caban-Martinez AJ, Ocasio MA, Clark JD, Kachan D, Arheart KL, Lee DJ.  Young adult cancer survivors and substance abuse:  Results from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey, 1997-2009.  Poster presentation.


April 2011 NIOSH Deep South Center Research Meeting (Auburn, AL)


  • Caban Martinez A. Workplace Health Assessment and Prevention among Hispanic Construction Workers



November 2010 138th annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 6-10, 2010 (Denver, Colorado)


  • Caban AJ, Fleming LE, Lee DJ Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Muennig P, Clarke TC, and Kish J. Prevalence and Trends of Rheumatic Diseases in the US Workforce. Abstract ID#: 218672. Presented at the 138th annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 6-10, 2010, Denver, Colorado. View Poster

  • Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Ferraro KF, Muntaner C, Christ SL, Caban AJ, Davila E, Bandiera FC. Health Status of the Aging US Healthcare Workforce. Abstract ID#: 228468. Presented at the 138th annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 6-10, 2010, Denver, Colorado. View Poster

  • Davila EP, Fleming LE, Florez H, LeBlanc WG, Caban AJ, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Goodman E, Christ SL, Clark JD. Prevalence of the metabolic Syndrome among US workers: NHANES 1999-2004. Abstract ID#:218188. Presented at the 138th annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 6-10, 2010, Denver, Colorado. View Poster

  • Dietz N, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, McCollister KE, Arheart KL Caban AJ, Davila EP. Smokeless Tobacco Use and US Employment Sectors: 1987-2005. Abstract ID#:229642. Presented at the 138th annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 6-10, 2010, Denver, Colorado. View Poster

  • Clark JD, Lewis JE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Lee DJ, Caban AJ, Davila EP, and Fleming LE. Obesity and Cardiovascular Fitness Levels in the US Workforce. Abstract ID#:220365. Presented at the 138th annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 6-10, 2010, Denver, Colorado. View Poster

  • Clarke TC, Arheart KL, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Caban AJ, Davila EP, Clark JD, and Dietz N. Maternal employment and child health. Abstract ID#:221775. Presented at the 138th annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 6-10, 2010, Denver, Colorado.

  • Kachan D, Davila E, Lewis JE, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Arheart K, LeBlanc WG, Caban Martinez A. Nutrient Intake and Dietary Recommendation Adherence among US Workers. Abstract ID#: 219223. Presented at the 138th annual American Public Health Association Meeting, November 6-10, 2010, Denver, Colorado. View Poster


June 2010 - 2010 Annual Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Conference, June 6-10, 2010 (Portland, OR)


  • Caban AJ, Clarke TC, Davila EP, Arheart K, Muennig P, McCollister K, Fleming LE, Christ SL, and Lee DJ. Musculoskeletal disorders among US Workers: The National Health Interview Survey. Abstract ID = 5201. Presented at the 2010 annual Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) conference, June 6-10, 2010. Portland, OR.

  • Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Caban AJ, Davila EP, LeBlanc WG, Christ SL, Kish J, Clarke TC, McCollister K, Ferraro K, Wilmoth J, Pitt-Casouphes M, and Arheart K. Occupational surveillance of older workers. Abstract ID = 5208. Presented at the 2010 annual Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) conference, June 6-10, 2010. Portland, OR.

  • Davila EP, Clark J, Kachan D, Fleming LE, Caban AJ, LeBlanc WG, Dietz N, Arheart K, Fabry D, Lewis J, and Lee DJ. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys: A vital occupational surveillance tool. Abstract ID = 5212. Presented at the 2010 annual Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) conference, June 6-10, 2010. Portland, OR.

  • Lee DJ, Davila EP, LeBlanc WG, Sestito J, Caban AJ, Clarke TC, Muennig P, McCollister K, Arheart K, and Fleming LE. Occupational surveillance by industry: The NIOSH Monograph Series. Abstract ID = 5216. Presented at the 2010 annual Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) conference, June 6-10, 2010. Portland, OR.

  • Fleming LE, Caban AJ, Davila EP, LeBlanc WG, Christ SL, Kish J, Clarke SL, McCollister K, Arheart K, Goodman E, Zimmerman E, Muntaner C, and Lee DJ. Occupational surveillance of youth workers. Abstract ID = 5219. Presented at the 2010 annual Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) conference, June 6-10, 2010. Portland, OR.


May 2010 - American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC) 2010 to be held May 2-5, 2010 (Orlando, Florida)


  • Caban AJ. Medical Issues in Diverse and Underserved Occupational Populations: Benchmark Activities in South Florida. Invited Lecture (Session 7302, one CME credit) at the American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC) 2010 to be held May 2-5, 2010 in Orlando, Florida.

  • Caban AJ, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Arheart K, McCollister KE, Muennig P. Prevalence and Trends of Rheumatic Diseases in the US Workforce. Poster presentation (Abstract # 807124) at the American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC) 2010 to be held May 2-5, 2010 in Orlando, Florida

  • Caban AJ, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Arheart K, McCollister KE, Muennig P. Working with Arthritis: Do Health Behaviors and Indicators limit activity? Poster presentation (Abstract # 807146) at the American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC) 2010 to be held May 2-5, 2010 in Orlando, Florida.

  • Caban AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Davila EP, Clarke TC, Kish J. Workplace Health Assessment & Prevention among Hispanic Construction Workers. Oral presentation (Abstract # 807148) at the American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC) 2010 to be held May 2-5, 2010 in Orlando, Florida.


November 2009 APHA Conference (Philadelphia, PA)


  • Lewis JE, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Davila EP, Caban-Martinez AJ, Dietz NA, McCollister KE, Bandiera FC, Clark JD. Food label use and awareness of nutritional information and recommendations among persons with chronic disease.

  • Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Loubriel L, Ahmed SM, Davila EP, Alicea-Clark A, Clark JD. Cancer Health Education Preferences among Miami-Dade County Construction Workers.

  • Caban-Martinez AJ, Davila EP, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, McCollister KE, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG. Do Young Hispanic Workers engage in Risky Health Behaviors?

  • Caban-Martinez AJ, Davila EP, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Christ SL, Tannenbaum SL. Oral Water Intake across major US Industries: NHANES 1999-2004.

  • Davila EP, Caban Martinez AJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Christ SL, Goodman E, Zimmerman F, Muntaner C. Young Adults, Mortality, and Employment.



June 2009 Annual Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) Conference (Buffalo, NY)


  • Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Caban AJ, Davila EP, Arheart KL, McCollister K, Christ SL, Ferraro K, and Muntaner C. The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) & Occupational Health Disparities.

  • Davila EP, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, McCollister K, Arheart K, Caban Martinez A, Christ SL, Clark J. Young Adults, Mortality, and Employment.



May 2009 AOHC Annual Conference (San Diego, CA)


  • Caban Martinez J, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Davila EP, Arheart KL. The Health Status of the Aging US Healthcare Workforce.

  • Caban Martinez J, Lee DJ, Davila EP, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Davila EP, Arheart KL. Occupation, Employment Status and Risky Health Behavior Among US Youth.



March 2009 National Hispanic Medical Association Conference (New York, NY)


  • Davila EP, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, McCollister K, Arheart K, Caban Martinez A, Christ SL, Clark J. Young Adults, Mortality, and Employment.

  • Caban Martinez A, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, McCollister KL, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Christ SL, Ferrraro KF, Pitt Casouphes M, Wilmouth J. Do Young Hispanic Workers engage in Risky Health Behaviors?



February 2009 Healthy Aging for Workers: Anticipating the Occupational and Safety Needs of Aging Workforce (Washington, DC)


  • Caban Martinez J, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Davila EP, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Christ SL, Ferraro KF, Wilmoth J, Clark J. The Health Status of the Aging US Healthcare Workforce.

  • Lee DJ, Caban Martinez J, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Davila EP, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Christ SL, Ferraro KF, Wilmoth J, Clark J. Vital Signs of the Aging U.S. Workforce: the National Health Interview Survey 1997-2007.



October 2008 American Public Health Association (San Diego, CA)


  • Arheart KL, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Dietz NA, McCollister KE, Wilkinson JD, Lewis JE, Clark JD, Davila EP, Bandiera FC. Accuracy of self reported secondhand smoke in NHANES 1998-2002.

  • Davila EP, Caban Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Lam BL, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Zheng DD, Christ SL, Muennig P, Ferraro KF. Prevalence of visual and hearing impairment in older US workers: NHIS, 1997-2004.

  • Bandiera FC, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Wilkinson JD, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Clark JD, Davila EP, Serdar B, Dietz N, McCollister KE, Lewis JE. Secondhand Smoke Policy, Secondhand Smoke Exposure, and Depression Among non-Smokers.

  • Davila EP, Caban Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Christ SL. Sleep Disorders and Secondhand Smoke: NHANES 2005-2006 Sleep Disorders and Secondhand Smoke: NHANES 2005-2006.



October 2008 National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS) (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)


  • Davila EP, Caban Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Lam BL, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Zheng DD, Christ SL, Muennig P, Ferraro KF. Prevalence of visual and hearing impairment in older US workers: NHIS, 1997-2004.



June 2008 NIOSH NORA 2008 Meeting (Denver, CO)


  • Caban Martinez A, Davila EP, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Christ SL, Chung Bridges K. Sleeping on the job: the National Health Interview Survey 2004-2005. (submitted, accepted and withdrawn).

  • Arheart KL, McCollister KE, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Chung Bridges K, Christ SL, West JP, Caban AJ, LeBlanc WG, Erard MJ, Davila. Declining Health Insurance Access Among US Workers: Not all jobs are Created Equal.



June 2008 NAACCR 2008 Meeting (Denver, CO)


  • Fleming LE, Lee D, Christ SL, McCollister K, Arheart K, LeBlanc WG, Caban Martinez A, Chung Bridges K, Clark J, Vidal L. Health Disparities in Cancer Screening among US women Workers.



May 2008 Flight Attendants Medical Research Institute Annual Meeting (Boston, MA)


  • Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Levis S, LeBlanc WG, Dietz NA, Arheart KL, Wilkinson JD, Clark J, Serdar B, Davila EP. Earlier Age at Menopause, Work and Tobacco Smoke Exposure. Flight Attendants Medical Research Institute Annual Meeting, Boston, MA



April 2008 NIOSH Occupational Health Disparities Meeting (Cincinnati, OH)


  • Caban Martinez A, Clark JD, Fleming LE, Lee D, Christ SL, McCollister K, Arheart K, LeBlanc WG, Vidal L, Chung Bridges K,. Improvement in Health Disparities in US Worker Cancer Screening?.

  • Arheart K, McCollister K, Caban Martinez A, Clark JD, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Christ SL, LeBlanc WB, Vidal L, Chung Bridges K. Declining US Worker Health Insurance Access in Hispanics.

  • Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Caban AJ, Bridges Chung K, Arheart KL, McCollister K, Christ SL, Ferraro K, Pitman T. The NHIS, Health Disparities and US Workers.



April 2008 Annual National Hispanic Medical Association Meeting (Washington, DC)


  • Caban Martinez A, Clark JD, Fleming LE, Lee D, Christ SL, McCollister K, Arheart K, LeBlanc WG, Vidal L, Chung Bridges K,. Improvement in Health Disparities in US Worker Cancer Screening?.

  • Arheart K, McCollister K, Caban Martinez A, Clark JD, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Christ SL, LeBlanc WB, Vidal L, Chung Bridges K. Declining US Worker Health Insurance Access in Hispanics.



September 2007 NIOSH Invited Presentations (Cincinnati, OH)


  • Fleming LE, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, Caban Martinez AJ, Chung Bridges K, McCollister K, Christ SL, Arheart K, Ferraro K, Pitman T, Parker DL, invited presentation. Surveillance, Health Disparities and the National Health Interview Survey.

  • LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Caban Martinez AJ, Chung Bridges K, McCollister K, Christ SL, Arheart K, Ferraro K, Pitman T, Parker DL, invited presentation. The National Health Interview Survey.



March 2008 University of Miami Womens Health Institute (Miami, FL)


  • Davila EP, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, McCollister K, Arheart K, Clark J, Hlaing WM. Racial-Ethnic and Educational Differences in Cancer Screening among US Women Workers.



November 2007 Am Public Health Association Annual Meeting (Washington, DC)


  • Fleming LE, Lee D, Christ SL, McCollister K, Arheart K, LeBlanc WG, Caban Martinez A, Chung Bridges K,. Health Disparities in Cancer Screening among US women Workers.



October 2007 Tobacco or Health (Minneapolis, MN)


  • Lee D, Fleming LE, Dietz N, LeBlanc W, Chung Bridges K, Christ S, McCollister K. Trends in smokeless tobacco use in the US workforce: 1987-2005. Tobacco or Health, Minneapolis, MN.

  • Lee DJ, Arheart KL, Dietz N, Wilkinson JD, Clark J, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG. Trends in serum cotinine levels in US Worker Groups: the Power of Policy. Tobacco or Health, Minneapolis, MN



September 2007 NIOSH WorkLife Symposium (Bethesda, MD)


  • Fleming LE, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, Caban Martinez AJ, Chung Bridges K, McCollister K, Christ SL, Arheart K, Ferraro K, Pitman T. Health Disparities and US Workers.



September 2007 NIOSH Invited Presentations (Cincinnati, OH)


  • Fleming LE, Lee DJ, LeBlanc WG, Caban Martinez AJ, Chung Bridges K, McCollister K, Christ SL, Arheart K, Ferraro K, Pitman T, Parker DL, invited presentation. Surveillance, Health Disparities and the National Health Interview Survey.

  • LeBlanc WG, Fleming LE, Lee DJ, Caban Martinez AJ, Chung Bridges K, McCollister K, Christ SL, Arheart K, Ferraro K, Pitman T, Parker DL, invited presentation. The National Health Interview Survey.



June 2007 NAACCR 2007 Meeting (Detroit, MI)


  • Fleming LE, LeBlanc W, Lee D, Kirsner R, Caban Martinez AJ, Arheart K, Chung Bridges K, Christ S, McCollister KE, Pitman T. Reported Screening of US Workers for Skin Cancer.



June 2007 50th Anniversary of the NHIS, NCHS (Washington, DC)


  • Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Caban AJ, Bridges Chung K, Arheart KL, McCollister K, Christ SL, Ferraro K, Pitman T. The NHIS, Health Disparities and US Workers – One of 10 Abstracts Awarded Presentation



June 2007 SER Annual Meeting, (Boston, MA)


  • Caban Martinez AJ, Lee S, Christ S, Fleming LE, LeBlanc W, Zheng D, Arheart K, Lam B, McCollister KE, Chung Bridges K, Arora S, Pitman T. Surveillance of Concurrent Hearing and Visual Impairment in US Workers: The National Health Interview Survey., 1997–2004.



May 2007 ACOEM AOHC Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (New Orleans, LA)


  • Caban Martinez A, Fleming LE, Lee D, Christ SL, McCollister K, Arheart K, LeBlanc WG. Improvement in health disparities in US worker cancer screening? – Received Resident Presentation Award



March 2007 American Society of Preventive Oncology (Houston, TX)


  • Lee, D, Fleming LE, Chung Bridges K, McCollister K, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Caban Martinez, Christ SL. Cancer mortality in US workforce.



March 2007 American Cancer Society Health Disparities (New Orleans, LA)


  • Caban Martinez AJ, Lee D, Fleming LE, Arheart K, McCollister K, LeBlanc W, Chung Bridges K, Christ SL. Low rates of colorectal cancer screening among Hispanic workers.



February 2007 Preventive Medicine 2007 Meeting (Miami, FL.)


  • Caban Martinez AJ, McCollister K, Christ SL, Lee, D, Fleming LE, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Chung Bridges K. Cardiovascular mortality in US workforce.

  • Lee, D, Fleming LE, Chung Bridges K, McCollister K, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Caban Martinez, Christ SL. Cancer Mortality in the US Workforce.

  • Lee DJ, Dietz N, Wilkinson J, Fleming LE, Arheart KL, LeBlanc WG, Caban Martinez AJ. Secondhand Smoke Exposure in the US Workforce.



November 2006 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (Boston, MA)


  • Chung-Bridges K, Fleming LE, Muntaner C, Lee D, LeBlanc W, Arheart K, Caban A, Christ SL, Pitman T. Occupational segregation and racial health disparities.

  • Arheart K, Lee D, Fleming LE, Chung-Bridges K, Christ SL LeBlanc W, Caban A, Pitman T. Trends in health insurance coverage in US worker groups: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).

  • PRESENTATION - David J. Lee, Ph.D. Lora E. Fleming M.D., Ph.D., William G. LeBlanc Ph.D., Kristopher L. Arheart Ed.D., Katherine Chung-Bridges M.D., M.P.H., Sharon L Christ M.S., Alberto J. Caban M.P.H., Terry Pitman B.S., Kathryn E McCollister PhD. Session on Record linkage for epidemiologic research: New opportunities and new challenges.



November 2006 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (Power Point Presentations)


  • Health Insurance Coverage Among US Worker Groups: The National Health Interview Survey

  • The Health Behaviors of the Aging US Workers: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1997-2003

  • Occupational Segregation and Racial Health Disparities

  • US Worker Dental Care Access and Unmet Dental Needs: The National Health Interview Survey 1997 to 2003



July 2006 International Cancer Conference (Washington, DC)


  • Lee, D, LeBlanc W, Fleming LE, Christ SL, Chung-Bridges K, Caban A, Arheart K, Pitman T. Prevalence of recent skin examinations in US worker groups: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). July 2006 National Tobacco Conference (Washington, DC).

  • Lee D, Christ SL, Arheart K, Chung-Bridges K, LeBlanc W, Caban A, Fleming LE, Pitman T. Trends in smoking rates among blue and white collar workers: The 1997-2003 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).

  • Lee D, Christ SL, Arheart K, Chung-Bridges K, LeBlanc W, Caban A, Fleming LE, Pitman T. Smoking prevalence and healthcare provider smoking cessation advice among US worker groups: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).



2006 Sylvester Cancer Center Annual Science Meeting (Miami, FL)


  • Lee D, LeBlanc W, Fleming LE, Christ SL, Chung-Bridges K, Arheart K, Pitman T. Prevalence of Recent Skin Examinations in US Worker Groups: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).



April 2006 NIOSH NORA Symposium (Washington, DC)


  • Christ SL, Lee D, Chung-Bridges K, Fleming LE, Arheart K, LeBlanc WG, Caban A, Pitman T. Depressive symptoms and older US workers: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1997-2003.

  • Fleming LE, Lee D, Caban AJ LeBlanc WG, Chung-Bridges K, Christ SL, Arheart K, Pitman T. The health behaviors of the aging US Workers: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1997-2003.

  • Arheart K, Lee D, Fleming LE, Chung-Bridges K, Christ SL LeBlanc W, Caban A, Pitman T. Trends in health insurance coverage in US worker groups: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).

  • LeBlanc W, Fleming LE, Lee D, Christ SL, Chung-Bridges K, Caban A, Arheart K, Pitman T. Prevalence of recent skin examinations in US worker groups: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).

  • Lee D, Christ SL, Arheart K, Chung-Bridges K, LeBlanc W, Caban A, Fleming LE, Pitman T. Smoking prevalence and healthcare provider smoking cessation advice among US worker groups: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).

  • Caban-Martinez AJ, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, LeBlanc WG, Arheart KL, Chung-Bridges K, Christ K, Pitman T. Dental care access and unmet dental needs of US workers: The National Health Interview Survey 1997 to 2003. 



April 2006 NIOSH NORA Symposium (Power Point Presentations)


  • Trends in Health Insurance Coverage in US Worker Groups: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)

  • US Worker Dental Care Access & Unmet Dental Needs:The National Health Interview Survey 1997 to 2003

  • Depressive Symptoms and Older US Workers: the NHIS 1997-2003

  • The Health Behaviors of the Aging US Workers: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1997-2003

  • Prevalence of Recent Skin Examinations in US Worker Groups: The NHIS

  • Smoking Prevalence and Healthcare Provider Smoking Cessation Advice among US Worker Groups: The National Health Interview Survey


December 2005 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA)


  • Lee D, Fleming LE, Lee JA, Gomez Marin O, LeBlanc W, Caban A, Pitman T. Occupation, Smoking and Lung Cancer Mortality Risk: the NHIS 1986-1994.

  • Fleming LE, Lee JA, Gomez Marin O, LeBlanc W, Pitman T, Caban A. Unintentional injury mortality risk in US workers: the NHIS 1986-1994.

  • Caban A, Lee D, Fleming LE, LeBlanc W, Gomez-Marin O, Chung-Bridges K, Christ SL, Arheart K, Pitman T.  Leisure time physical activity levels in US workers: the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 1997-2002.



July 2005 Florida Public Health Association (Sarasota, FL)


  • Caban A, Lee D, Fleming LE, LeBlanc W, Gomez Marin O, Pitman T.  Leisure time physical activity levels of the US Workforce: The National Health Interview Survey 1997-2000.



June 2005 Annual Meeting Society of Epidemiologic Research (Toronto, Canada)


  • Caban A, Lee D,  Fleming LE,  LeBlanc W, Gomez Marin O, Pitman T. Body mass index in occupational groups of greater than 100,000 US workers: the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).



November 2004 APHA Annual Meeting (Washington, DC)


  • Gomez-Marin O, Fleming LE,  Lee D, LeBlanc W, Pitman T, Caban A. Longest Held Job in US Occupational Groups: the NHIS.

  • Caban A, Lee D,  Fleming LE,  LeBlanc W, Gomez-Marin O, Pitman T. Body mass index in occupational groups of greater than 100,000 US workers: the NHIS.

  • Fleming LE,  LeBlanc W, Lee D,  Caban A, Gomez-Marin O, Pitman T. Mortality rates by occupation among US workers: the NHIS.

  • Gomez-Marin O, Fleming LE,  Lee D, LeBlanc W, Pitman T, Caban A. Comparative Analysis of 3 Measures of Concordance between Current and Longest Held Job: the NHIS.

  • Lee D, Fleming LE,  LeBlanc W, Gomez-Marin O, Caban A, Pitman T. Disability ranking of US workers employed in 206 occupations: The NHIS 1986-1994.



October 2004 NIOSH/CDC Steps to Healthier Workplace (Washington, DC)


  • Caban A, Lee D,  Fleming LE,  LeBlanc W, Gomez Marin O, Pitman T. Body mass index in occupational groups of greater than 100,000 US workers: the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Received Student Award


July 2004 FL Pub Health Assoc (Orlando)


  • Caban A, Lee D,  Fleming LE,  LeBlanc W, Gomez-Marin O, Pitman T. Body mass index in occupational groups of greater than 100,000 US workers: the NHIS. Received Student Award


November 2003 APHA Annual Meeting (San Francisco)


  • Gomez-Marin O, Zheng D, LeBlanc W, Lee D, Fleming LE, Ma F, Pitman T, Jane D. Disability among US Farmers and Pesticide Applicators: the NHIS

  • Lee D, LeBlanc W, Lee D, Fleming LE, Gomez-Marin O, Pitman T, Jane D. Acute and Chronic Disability among US Firefighters: the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)



May 2003 ACOEM-AOEHC Research Symposium (Atlanta)


  • Fleming LE, Lee D, Gomez-Marin O, LeBlanc W, Jane D, Pitman T. NHIS: Mortality and Morbidity of Farmers and Pesticide Applicators.



June 2001 Society for Epidemiologic Research (Toronto)


  • NHIS Evaluation of Mortality among US Farmers and Pesticide Applicators Society for Epidemiologic Research, Toronto, Canada. June 2001



June 2001 NAACCR Conference (Miami)


  • NHIS Evaluation of Mortality among US Farmers and Pesticide Applicators NAACCR Conference, Miami, FL. June 2001


© 2018 by MORG Staff. 

The MORG is a NIOSH-funded (R01-OH003915) research team in the Department of Public Health Sciences, at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine.

Last Updated:   July 27, 2018


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