Noella A. Dietz, PhD
MORG Role: Co-Investigator
Email: n.dietz@med.miami.edu
Research Interests:
Tobacco Control
Program Evaluation
Quantitative & Qualitative Methodology
Occupational Health
2003-2005, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Tobacco Research & SPEAR Prevention project – University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
2003, PhD, Sociology – Florida State University
1996, MS, Sociology – Florida State University
1987, BS, Political Science – Florida State University
Dr. Dietz is an expert in the field of tobacco control, program evaluation, cancer prevention and control, and health disparities. She has been a part of the UM Occupational Research Group for several years bringing her experience in the fields of tobacco behavior as well as specializations in survey research-based cross-sectional and longitudinal study designs and qualitative methods. As a part of MORG, she has conducted research on trends in smokeless tobacco use in the US workforce, correlates of smoking among young adults, factors affecting young adult former ever smokers, and occupational secondhand smoke exposure in young workers.
Relevant Selected Publications:
Sly, D. F., K. Arheart, N. Dietz, C. Borgen, E. Trapido, D. Nelson, and J. McKenna. “Effect of Ending an Anti-tobacco Youth Campaign on Adolescent Susceptibility to Cigarette Smoking–Minnesota, 2002-2003.” Journal of the American Medical Association May 26, 2004; 291 (20):2422-2423.
Dietz, Noella A., David J. Lee, Kristopher L. Arheart, James D. Wilkinson, John Clark III, and Alberto J. Caban-Martinez. “Correlates of Home Smoking Bans Among Young Adults.” Florida Public Health Review 2007; 4:8-11.
Dietz, Noella A., Jorge Delva, Michael E. Woolley, and Laura Russello. “The Reach and Impact of a Youth-Oriented Anti-tobacco Media Campaign on Adult Smokers.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2008; 93 (1):180-184. PMID: 17964081.
Lee, David, Noella A. Dietz, Kristopher L. Arheart, James Wilkinson, John Clark III, and Alberto J. Caban-Martinez. “Respiratory Effects of Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Young Adults Residing in a ‘Clean’ Indoor Air State.” Journal of Community Health 2008; 33 (3):117-125. PMID: 18246415
Dietz, Noella A., Lori Westphal, Kristopher Arheart, David Lee, Youjie Huang, David F. Sly, and Evelyn Davila. “Changes in Youth Current Cigarette Use Following the Dismantling of an Anti-tobacco Media Campaign in Florida.” Preventing Chronic Disease 2010; 7(3):1-4. PMID: 20394704, PMCID: PMC 2879997.
Dietz NA, Lee DJ, Fleming LE, Leblanc WG, McCollister KE, Arheart KL, Davila EP, Caban-Martinez AJ. Trends in smokeless tobacco use in the US workforce: 1987-2005. Tob Induc Dis 2011 Jun 1;9(1):6. PubMed PMID: 21631951; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3118314.
Hooper MW, Zhao W, Byrne MM, Davila E, Caban-Martinez A, Dietz NA, Parker DF, Huang Y, Messiah A, Lee DJ. Menthol cigarette smoking and health, Florida 2007 BRFSS. Am J Health Behav 2011 Jan-Feb;35(1):3-14. PubMed PMID: 20950154.
Fabry David A, Davila Evelyn P, Arheart Kristopher L, Serdar Berrin, Dietz, Noella A, Bandiera Frank C, Lee David J. Secondhand Smoke Exposure and the Risk of Hearing Loss. Tobacco Control. 2011 Jan;20(1):82-5.
Parker, Dorothy, Noella A. Dietz, Monica Webb Hooper, Margaret M. Byrne, Cristina A. Fernandez, Elizabeth A. Baker, Marsha S. Stevens, Antoine Messiah, David J. Lee, and Erin Kobetz. “Developing an Urban Community-Campus Partnership: Lessons Learned in Infrastructure Development and Communication.” Progress in Community Health Partnerships 2012; 6(4): 435-441. 2012.
Dietz, Noella A., Monica Webb Hooper, Margaret M. Byrne, Antoine Messiah, Elizabeth Baker, Dorothy Parker, Marsha Stevens, Cristina Fernandez, Manuel Ocasio, Laura McClure, David J. Lee, and Erin Kobetz. “Development of a Smoking Cessation Intervention Within a Community-Based Participatory Research Framework.” Journal of Smoking Cessation 2012; 7 (2): 89-95.
Dietz, Noella A., David F. Sly, David J. Lee, Kristopher L. Arheart, and Laura McClure. “Correlates of Smoking Among Young Adults: The Role of Lifestyle, Attitudes/Beliefs, Demographics, and Exposure to Anti-Tobacco Media Messaging.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2013; June 1; 130(1-3): 115-121.
McClure, Laura, David Lee, David Sly, Kristopher Arheart, and Noella A. Dietz. “Young Adult Former Smokers: Factors Affecting Cessation.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 57(5): 690-695. 2013.
Messiah, Antoine, Noella A. Dietz, Margaret M. Byrne, Monica Webb Hooper, Cristina Fernandez, Elizabeth A. Baker, Marsha Stevens, Manuel Ocasio, Recinda Sherman, Dorothy Parker, and David J. Lee. “Combining Community-Based Participatory Research with a Random Sample Health Survey to Assess Smoking Prevalence.” Journal of National Medical Association. In Press, 2014.